Course Details
Safety, Ground Operation & Servicing
This course will help you learn the important safety policies and procedures for ground operations of and servicing of aircraft. You will learn safety procedures in the areas of the shop, flight line, and fire protection. You will also learn proper tiedown procedures for multiple types of aircraft. Ground movement of aircraft, such as engine starting and towing/taxiing, is also reviewed. Finally, you will learn about servicing the various systems in an aircraft such as air, oil, fluids, and fuel.
It is noted that information in this course is a general guide for safety, ground operations, and servicing. All manuals for specific aircraft, equipment, and machine tools should be reviewed and understood prior to any operations.
Recommended Prerequisites
Basic Reading Comprehension, Basic Computer Skills, Basic Internet Browsing Skills
What You’ll Learn
Course Module Listing
Pre-Course Survey
Course Introduction
Shop and Flight Line Safety and Fire Protection
Module Introduction
Shop Safety
Fire Protection
Module Summary
Module Assessment
Tiedown Procedures and Ground Movement of Aircraft
Module Introduction
Tiedown Procedures
Ground Movement of Aircraft
Module Summary
Module Assessment
Servicing and Fuel Servicing of Aircraft
Module Introduction
Servicing Aircraft
Fuel Servicing of Aircraft
Module Summary
Module Assessment
material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation
under Grant No. DUE-1104181. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are hose of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.